It is not clear whether you are going to implement the server yourself or you are going to consume a remote web service.
In any case, you'll want to consume REST web services and read the news information in JSON, since it is pretty much straighforward to do.
As for storing the information, Android already has a DBMS implemented, which is SQLite. One table to store the news should be enough, but it depends on what you're willing to do.
To display the information, sounds like you want to implement tabs, with a ListView for showing each news item. Since you want to show 6 at a time, you can both use a trigger in the database to fire on insert, or manually replace them (and limit your query results to 6 every time).
A click in the news item should then fire an event and direct you to the details of a news item.
Your question has a lot of unclear points, so I'll leave it at this and I hope it helps you in focusing your research.